Steam Hardware Stats November 2018

INTEL, AMD, NVIDIA and Microsoft Steam Stats - information

So in the last 2 years AMD have been on a rebound and I have been keeping an eye on information regarding this change in power. The changes are filtering through to gamers for the primary CPU's as seen using the Steam Hardware survey. Obviously this isn't all users and the ones that have participated have shown the trend anyway.

Main CPU Vendor 

The November 2018 stats (finalised and published) for Windows system on processor vendor show a 1.56% change from Intel to AMD bringing the CPU share up to 17.21%.

Windows Operating System

Sadly the retrospective statistic I keep an eye on is the Windows OS share change. Windows 7 is finally losing users but there's some interesting stuff here.

Windows 7 (not classed as 64 bit) has gained 0.08% share but 64 bit has lost 3.07% almost entirely moving to Windows 10. There is some resurgence however backing Windows 8 (possibly the worst OS idea Microsoft have had since Vista) INCREASING the share by 0.32% for W8.1 64 bit and 0.02 for W8 64 bit.

Obviously these figures are skewed as this may be people who rarely game or log in with alternative accounts. Its also possible that to play some games, some users are forced to boot to an old operating system just to play them.


The final stat I keep an eye on is the amount of graphics card users there are of which manufacturer and I try to ignore overspecced systems in this list. (i.e. GTX 1080 ti etc)

The MAJORITY of gamers are using NVIDIA cards which isn't surprising as AMD, even pound for pound, cant match them yet. Note yet is in italics here. There are some major shifts coming from AMD in the GPU department in this upcoming year so keep a look out on that. So the most popular graphics card for gamers is the GTX 1060 at 15.8% of the total share, but with a 0.11% decline in use. Notably the largest increase is the GTX 1070 with a 0.5% increase giving it a 4.76% share of the Windows gamers market which is still behind both the GTX 1050 and 1050 ti cards unsurprisingly as these cards are the best value for money at this time.

Looking through the list for an AMD card reveals an R7 partway down the list with 1.15% share on the market. The problem is the R7 isn't really one card. There are 3 series so for only 1% for probably all these cards, that's not penetration. The RX 480 is the first properly named card for AMD which has a massive 0.73% of the market which is why I can't buy one for under £100. Interestingly there was an increase of 0.06% for this card which is probably all the eBay listings I have been bidding on as everyone who knows anything about AMD know that this card is the best value for money second hand behind the RX 580 ESPECIALLY with AMD's upcoming major graphics card releases this year.

Missing Stats

The only other stat I want to see which is hard to find for these systems is disk drive types. I would love to know who has RAID disk drives, SSHD's M.2. (like me) or SSD's of various types. If steam release this information in the future, it will become easier to predict the sway of new systems and hardware.

Opinions on drives 

In my view, if you don't get an M.2 drive, your bottlenecking. I have had interesting conversations regarding M.2. and its usage. I debate it should be as a primary OS drive with storage on secondary more reliable storage but have been debated against with the notion it should be a cache drive designed to accelerate traditional drives or SSD's. In my view, SSD's are still unreliable as well as M.2. and wouldn't want to rely on them storing my data as when they die, they become exceedingly hard to get data out of. Hard disks tend to be recoverable and can have parts swapped by professional recovery centres if data needs rescuing.

Let me know your thoughts and get some comments on this blog!

