Opera - The conversion

I am an adopter of technologies I believe to be extra powerful, super amazing, ahead of their time and worth my time or money. Cue the internet. I have used literally tens of different browsers over the years from the old Nokia Symbian browser to modern HTML 5 browsers. I like most people who have used the internet since school started off with the blue e... Or Internet Explorer as most people know it as, on Windows 95. By Windows 98, browsers were the in thing to be messing around with, from AOL where the experience was built in, to to Netscape Navigator, which sadly, no longer exists.

So, why this Blog?

Well, In 2008/9 I discovered Google Chrome. It was incredible, it was fast, it did the internet justice and it was finally an alternative to the slightly sluggish (but still slightly faster than IE) Firefox browser. I don't know if anyone else has noticed but Chrome is getting bad press. Bugs, issues, flaws, hacks and so on. Time to jump ship? I thought so anyway.

Right, so you chose to leave Chrome? Why?

Well for the reasons above. I decided, after trying out Firefox again, to try Opera. Literally, Chrome is dead to me now. I am a massive Google user but I have broken free. Lets go into why.

  • Opera opens faster
  • Opera can open all the tabs where you left off
  • Opera uses less RAM for inactive tabs
  • Opera gives you a pop out video window which you can drag around meaning if you play youtube music, you can skip without looking for the tab.

OK, so Opera is quite good by the sound of it but surely moving browser is hard work?

No, Opera has an import feature which brings across all your chrome history, favourites and even saved passwords!

So, in summary, my conversion process was simple. Look for something as good as Chrome, ditch it, move on.

P.S. There are problems with Opera. There are a couple of websites which DO NOT support Opera, but even though they both use WebKit, Chrome works fine!
